Cookie Policy 2017-11-12T16:51:42+00:00


The information is provided by ResourSEAs srl, Building 16, Viale delle Scienze, 90128 Palermo Italy, P.Iva 06596440823 pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03

Code regarding the protection of personal data for the site and for processing activities in their seats in the conduct of its activities.
ResourSEAs srl guarantee respect of the legislation on protection of personal data (Legislative Decree 196/03) and informed that personal data provided by the parties concerned through the various collection channels, directly or indirectly managed by the Owner, or acquired from third parties in accordance with legal conditions, they will be treated lawfully and fairly, in accordance with the principles of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.


This site uses cookies to improve your navigation experience.

This data protection policy is provided to inform you of the nature and purpose of cookies and, should you so desire, how to disable them.

In our role as Data Controller we can change our data protection policy at any time: all changes will be effective from the date they are published on the site.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that visited websites transmit to users’ terminals (usually to the browser) where they are stored and then re-transmitted to the site when the user next visits it. Operation of cookies is entirely dependent on the user’s browser and they can be enabled or disabled by the user. The cookies used on this site are designed to optimise your navigation experience when you visit the site.

Which cookies does this site use?

We use two different types of cookies on this site: technical cookies and proliferation cookies.

>Technical cookies

Technical cookies are required for operation of the site and delivery of the services offered. Technical cookies can be divided into navigation or session cookies, which guarantee normal navigation and use of the site; analytics cookies, designed to gather information in aggregated form for statistical purposes concerning the number of users and their navigation behaviour on the site; personalisation cookies that improve the service by personalising the user’s navigation experience according to selectable criteria (e.g. preferred language, products of interest etc.)

>Proliferation cookies

Proliferation cookies are used to create a profile for users navigating on the site and monitor their navigation behaviour in order to transmit advertising messages for direct marketing purposes.

Third-party cookies

While navigating on the site the user may also receive cookies from other websites (“third-party” cookies). Third parties (e.g. advertisers) can use their cookies to gather information concerning the actions you perform on the site in order to send you targeted advertising messages that reflect your interests.

How can I disable cookies?

For the optimal navigation experience we recommend allowing cookies: certain functions of the site may be unavailable if you disable cookies. If you do not wish to receive and store cookies on your device, you can change the security settings of your browser by clicking the following links and proceeding in accordance with the instructions:

Microsoft Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox

If you use several devices to visit the site (computer, smartphone, tablet etc.) be sure to set your cookie preferences on each browser on each device.

List of third-party cookies

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Twitter connect
Google+ Platform